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Smartphone Acer Liquid Z3 Dual SIM, 3.5in, Android

(Prominte za Anglištinu ale Český ještě špatně mluvim.)

I'm giving away this smartphone that served me well but for which I have no longer any use. It's small and light, in a good working order. The power button no longer clicks but is still functional. Perfect for those who want to give a smartphone a try or geeks who would like to play with it.

Original USB-A to micro-USB cable provided.

Main specifications:
Memory: 4GB, 512MB RAM
Screen: 3.5in, 320x480 (165ppi)
Dimensions: 109 x 60 x 10.4 mm
Weight: 120g
Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean, almost pure)

Detailed specifications here: