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Daruji trochu detektivní knihu v angličtině (US). Místy má tužkou podtrhané výrazy, jinak je zcela v pořádku.
Heather should be happy. She's finally got a boyfriend and although he was only supposed to be her 'rebound guy', things have gotten serious fast . . .
She's also actually passing her first college course, and better yet her dad's moving out.
On the down side, her boss, Dr. Veatch, may well be the most boring man on the face of the planet . . . But that hardly seems reason enough to put a bullet through his head.
Can Heather find her boss's murderer, answer Tad's question, and get her landlord Cooper to realize that by letting her go, he's making the biggest mistake of his life, all while maintaining a fifteen hundred calorie per day diet?
Size Doesn't Matter is the third Heather Wells mystery from the incredibly successful author of The Princess Diaries, Meg Cabot. Size Doesn't Matter is preceded by Size 12 is Not Fat and Size 14 is Not Fat Either.
Nenajde někdo doma, prosím? Děkuji.
Daruji za odvoz Větší množství časopisů s recepty.
Časopisy Respektu z let cca 2012-2018. Čtené, používané, nějaké možná chybí.
Daruji za odvoz tento zachovalý atlas od vydavatelství RV Verlag, 1993, dobrý stav, jeden uvolněný list uprostřed atlasu, pevná vazba, 3. vydání, v němčině. Atlas je spíše pro sběratele.
Daruji za odvoz křeslo, poškrábání od kočky
Daruji za odvoz 2 ks konzole IKEA (osika) pro poličku h 20cm + 2 ks buková konzole pro poličku h 25cm
Daruji za odvoz, uz opravovaná, míčky je potřeba vyčistit
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